
From 24th May to 25th May 2022, Education Working Group meeting of the Norway Grants program took place. Representatives of correctional services from Latvia, Norway, Poland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Romania participated in the working group.

Ole Stageberg, Professor at the University College of Norwegian Correctional service: "The aim of our working group meeting is to promote the development of education and training systems for prison and probation staff in the Member States based on the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Court of Human Rights, the CPT and European prison regulation standards."

During the working group meeting, representatives of the Member States shared their best practices, including the integration of training processes in e-environment and other development ideas in the field of staff training, thus promoting synergies of modern processes in the development of correctional services in Member States.

During the meeting, representatives of each Member State presented their experience in the implementation of training processes, as well as participated in discussions on the integration of training into e-environment, the use of modern solutions and the development of training methods.

Working together for a safe and inclusive Europe.

The Latvian Prison Administration project "Establishment of Training centre infrastructure and model prison blocks for training opportunities in the Olaine prison territory" No. 1-6.4/2-2019 is implemented within the framework of the Norway Grants 2014–2021 period programme "Correctional Services".