Presei Jaunumi
Apstiprināta IeVP Mācību centra ēkas vizualizācija

Today, representatives of the Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service, together with the Head of Olaine Prison and representatives from the Ministry of Justice, visited the construction site of the new correctional services Training Centre in Olaine to learn about the preparations for construction in the area.

The construction plan envisages the establishment of a new Training Centre and the Open Prison block in the territory of Olaine Prison with the aim to improve the training environment available to the correctional services staff for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, thus encouraging the training of staff and ensuring modern sentence execution, as well as the further development of inmate resocialisation system in prisons. This project is being implemented by the Latvian Prison Administration with the support of the Norway grants.

Kim Ekhaugen, Director of International Cooperation in the Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service, and Kristin Franklin Saunes, Senior Consultant, Dmitrijs Kalins, Head of Olaine Prison, and representatives of the Ministry of Justice took part in the site inspection visit on 22 February 2022.

“Our biggest challenge now is to create a modern and appropriate personnel training environment that meets the needs of an improved personnel training system. And in order to achieve this goal, successful cooperation with both our Norwegian colleagues and construction partners in the development of new infrastructure is essential,” emphasized Dmitrijs Kaļins, Head of Olaine Prison.

During the visit, the representatives were introduced to the sequence of the main construction works and the progress made so far in the implementation of the plan.

Kim Ekhaugen, Director of International Cooperation in the Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service, expressed satisfaction with the progress of the project and emphasized the successful co-operation with the Latvian correctional services, improving not only the prison infrastructure but also investing in the development and implementation of staff training programs.

The project is implemented by the construction company “Velve” Ltd., with which a contract was signed on February 17, 2021 for the development, construction, author supervision and provision of a warranty period for the Training Centre in the territory of Olaine Prison.

"Currently, we are actively working to prepare the existing territory for the planned construction works. We are currently dismantling the existing eight buildings and various engineering structures at the site of the new Training Centre, including existing road surfaces and engineering networks. At the same time, intensive work is underway on the design of the construction project, including training facilities for learning processes, an amphitheater-type conference room with 200 seats, a service hotel with 40 double rooms, and an outdoor sports field with stadium and spectator stands, basketball court, outdoor gym and shooting range,” explains Kaspars Rokens, Chairman of the Board of “Velve” Ltd., emphasizing that the company is pleased to work on a project in which the provision of full cycle construction can be realized, from design to commissioning, as it can guarantee the implementation of the idea in the highest quality.

The construction of the new Training Centre is planned to be completed in the first half of 2023.

Working together for a safe and inclusive Europe.

You can learn more about the Norway Grants 2014-2021 period programme by visiting

The Latvian Prison Administration project "Establishment of Training centre infrastructure and model prison blocks for training opportunities in the Olaine prison territory" No. 1-6.4/2-2019 is implemented within the framework of the Norway Grants 2014–2021 period programme "Correctional Services".